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来源:中华疾病控制杂志 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-06-27



【摘要】:8 Blood is connected to the sanguine19sanguine 乐观的;充满希望的。disposition and the qualities of hot and moist.It is linked to air,spring,the heart and adolescence. 8 多血质的人性格乐

8 Blood is connected to the sanguine19sanguine 乐观的;充满希望的。disposition and the qualities of hot and moist.It is linked to air,spring,the heart and adolescence.

8 多血质的人性格乐观,体质湿热。血液与风、春天、心脏和少年有关。

9 Phlegm is related to the phlegmatic20phlegmatic 黏液质的;冷静的;镇定的。disposition and the qualities of cold and moist.It is connected to water,the brain and maturity.

9 黏液质的人性格冷静,体质湿冷。黏液与水、大脑和壮年有关。

10 Differences due to age,gender,emotions and disposition could be attributed to the interactions of the humors,according to the NIH stimulated action;cold depressed with a choleric disposition was courageous,but phlegm caused cowardice21cowardice 胆小。.Youth was hot and moist;age was cold and dry.

10 根据国家卫生研究院的展览,年龄、性别、情感和性格所产生的差异可归因于体液之间的相互作用。热促进行动,冷抑制行动。性格易怒的人胆大,黏液质的人则胆小。青春湿热,老年则干冷。

11 According to the ancient theory,the key to good health was to keep the humors in balance;an excess22excess 过度;过剩;多余。or deficiency23deficiency 不足;短缺。in one or more of the humors was associated with the doctor would let blood (open a vein24vein 静脉;特征。and drain25drain 去除体液;(使)排出;放干。the patient’s blood) or prescribe26prescribe 开药;规定。emetics27emetics 催吐剂。(medicine that causes vomiting) in order to balance the humors.

11 根据古代理论,平衡体液是健康的关键;疾病与某种体液或多种体液过剩或不足有关。有时候,为了平衡体液,医生会放血(割开静脉让病人的血淌出)或者开催吐剂(促使呕吐的药物)。

12 These ideas represented the first step away from the predominantly28predominantly 占主导地位地;占绝大多数地。supernatural view of sickness and a step toward a new idea that illness is related to the environment and what is going on inside the body.

12 这些观念代表了摆脱关于疾病的主流迷信说的第一步,这一步迈向了一种全新的理念,即疾病与环境以及身体的内部运作有关。

Hippocratic oath

13 Often included in theHippocratic Corpusis the Hippocratic oath,an ancient code of ethics29ethics 伦理。for ,the oath is valued as more of a historic example of medical ethics and principles rather than one to be taken completely literally.

13 《希波克拉底文集》往往收录希波克拉底誓词,这篇誓词是古代行医伦理规范。今天,这篇誓词更被人奉为医者伦理和职业操守的历史典范,而非让人照本宣科。


14 The following is a modern version of the oath written in 1964 by Dr.Louis Lasagna,then a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University and later dean of the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences at Tufts University:

14 以下是这篇誓词的现代版本,由时任约翰·霍普金斯大学医学教授、后任塔夫茨大学萨克勒生物医学研究生院院长路易·拉萨尼亚博士于1964年所撰:

15I swear to fulfill,to the best of my ability and judgment,this covenant30covenant 契约;协定;盟约。:

15 我誓尽己力与识见所及,矢守此约:

16I will respect the hard-won31hard-won 来之不易的。scien-tific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk,and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

16 我将尊重步其履后的先贤医者得来不易的科学成果,凡我所知,亦乐与后来者共享。

17I will apply,for the benefit of the sick,all measures [that]are required,avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment32overtreatment 治疗过当。and therapeutic nihilism33therapeutic nihilism治疗虚无主义,即通过治疗不可能治愈人或社会的弊病。.

17 我将竭尽一切方法,造福病者,避免治疗过当与治疗虚无主义的双重陷阱。

18I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science,and that warmth,sympathy,and understanding may outweigh34outweigh 比……重要;胜过;超过。the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.

18 我将谨记,医疗既是科学,亦是艺术,热诚、体恤、谅解胜于外科医生的手术刀与药剂师的药物。

19I will not be ashamed to say“I know not,”nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.

19 我将不以“不懂”为耻,病者痊愈若需他人之助,我亦不避援请同业。

20I will respect the privacy of my patients,for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death.If it is given me to save a life,all it may also be within my power to take a life;this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and aware-ness of my own frailty35frailty(性格或道德上的)弱点。.Above all,I must not play at God.

文章来源:《中华疾病控制杂志》 网址: http://www.zhjbkzzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0627/1170.html
